Wrinkles are the consequence of a lack of mist and the flexibility of the skin. This results mainly due to aging and certain environmental circumstances.

1. Olive Oil:

Sounds awkward? Maybe, but the method is extremely effective for the wrinkles. Apply 10 ml of olive oil in the hands and massage the face and neck for 30 seconds, till it infiltrates the skin. The oil assists preserve natural hydration of your skin. After utilizing this anti-wrinkle therapy, don’t try to use face cream as we declare that you will not end up with disturbing of wrinkles or inflammation. Over time, wrinkles will fade.

2. Fruit Mask:

Twice weekly utilize yourself a moisturizing mask with including fruits. It is very straightforward to make it at home and freeze it, but our recommendation is to make just enough to use once! Here’s everything you should do:

Doctor’s Book Of Survival Home Remedies
  • Stir a single egg with a teaspoon of honey and some sugar and you will get a perfect scrub that will shed dead cells without drying the skin;
  • Mash the strawberries and utilize them on the face. Let them act ten minutes then wash with lukewarm water;
  • Finally, wash your face with cucumber extract (use the blender to do it) cause it is the greatest natural tonic.

3. Anti-wrinkle Massage:

Not only the body feels great after the massage, but also the face. Specialists say that daily massage raises circulation easily and decreases wrinkles.

  • Use the forefinger and middle finger to perform 20 rotations between the eyebrows;
  • Utilize a little pressure within temples and eyes, with insignificant movements;
  • Rub the face with simple movements, upward, without pressing too strong;
  • For better hydration, apply a cream or natural gel, with no alcohol.

4. Diet is The Key:

A popular nutritionist stated that the skin is a mix of proteins, water, and fats, that requires unprocessed food to restore and withdraw wrinkles. So what should I eat?

  • Almonds are must, they contain fats and vitamin E;
  • Chocolate with at least 73% cocoa, plentiful in antioxidants;
  • Berries and strawberries, which contain some levels of vitamin C (“guilty” of protecting collagen).

5. Natural cleanser:

If you perform a healthy diet, why not offer the complexion to the same administration?!

Using the blender, make a mixture of spinach, parsley, celery, lemon, pear, and cucumber. This will be your new cleanser! After seven days, the skin will be firmer and brighter.