Skin tags, scientifically known as acrochordon, are tiny benign tumors which usually appear on the armpits, groin, neck, and areas of the skin with creases. The eyelids are another part of the body where skin tags can also appear.

Usually, the tags are harmless and cause no pain. They rarely grow bigger over time and usually stay the size of a grain of rice.

Although the few medical treatments for skin tags are quite invasive and even painful, you should know there are many natural remedies which can safely remove them and leave no scar behind.

Here are 7 easy ways to remove skin tags without going to the doctor:

1. Pineapple Juice

Surprisingly, rubbing fresh pineapple juice on your skin tags is a great simple way of removing them. Do this several times per day, but don’t wash the juice off. The same method works for moles or warts as well and is quite effective.

2. Onion Juice

Cut an onion in half and sprinkle some salt on it, then leave it in a glass jar overnight. Squeeze the onion in the morning, then rub it on the tags for up to 12 days to make them disappear.

3. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is an age-old remedy against a variety of skin problems including skin tags. It has antibacterial and antiseptic properties which will prevent infection once the tags fall off.

Doctor’s Book Of Survival Home Remedies

To apply the oil, simply dab a cotton ball soaked in it on the skin tags. Repeat the process every day for a week or two and the tags should disappear.

4. Castor Oil

Buy high-quality castor oil and mix it with baking soda, then apply the paste all over the tags. Repeat the process for a few weeks and the tags should fall off on their own.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar

ACV is a great remedy for almost all skin problems and that includes skin tags. Simply soak a cotton pad or ball in the liquid, then repeat for a month to make them fall off.

6. Banana Peel

Did you know that rubbing a banana peel on your skin tags can naturally remove them? Just peel a banana and rub the inside on the tags every day. Another way is to cut a small piece of the peel, apply it to the tags, cover with gauze and leave it to work overnight. You should notice the results after a few weeks.

7. Duct Tape

Stick a piece of duct tape on the tags every day for more than 10 days to remove them – yes, this method really works!

As you can see, there’s more than one remedy which can eliminate your skin tags. Try any of the aforementioned and you will be surprised by the results!